dessert, essential oils, Uncategorized, vegan, vegetarian

Lemon and salt raw chocolates

Today’s raw chocolate making session came out as lemon and Himalayan salt flavour.


I make these with the essential oils I advocate for and they are delicious as well as being nutritious. Raw chocolate contains trace essential minerals such as magnesium.

If you do not have time for making your own chocolates then I love these ones here on Amazon by Pana Chocolate.

I really like these chocolate moulds which are BPA free.

Please note that as an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases and this helps to support myself and my family.


Winter Warmth

Even though it’s a blue sky day here in England and the sun is shining, I am aware that it is still winter.  The nights are still cold and between now and the spring I know there are more frosty mornings and possibilities of snow to come.  That said, I have started to see crocuses pushing up and snowdrops too plus tiny dandelion greens. My bantam girls, Honey, Snowdrop and Bluebell, are not laying eggs yet and won’t do until the spring equinox and I am still wearing my hat and scarf when I go out. On those cold, grey, gloomy days it can feel like being on top of The Wall in Game of Thrones (well maybe not quite that bad). 🙂


Four years ago I was in Canada at this time and it was deep snow as I had never seen before.  Over there people manage with the snow and ice; they have snow tyres, the snow ploughs come out early and the practical kind of winter clothing is available. I know that my English coat didn’t work very well out there and I had to wear two coats to stay warm enough.  Our heating cut out several times due to the electricity not working and we were in a remote location so it took a while for it to be restored but we did stay warm enough.  I guess I ought to not feel that our British winter weather is all that cold, especially when I heard that last week in the East Carpathian mountains of Romania it had reached -68 degC.

At this time of year I still love having soups and stews.  I have written a 1-week Winter Detox which contains recipes for smoothies and salads, but also nourishing soups as well as covering other Mind/Body/Spirit areas.

What are your favourite winter warming soups?  I think my current favourite is leek and potato and I also love butternut squash with spices such as cinnamon.


holistic health, Uncategorized, winter wellness

First Aid Kit

Today I did another New Year declutter. This time it was checking my First Aid kit which I have two of, one for my business, and one for personal family use.  I went through old medications and out of date products and have put the medications to one side for safe disposal at a pharmacy.

In my first aid kit are quite a complementary health items like various herbs so I went through and threw anything that was past its best away.

It’s also a good idea to check your First Aid kit to see if anything needs restocking or needs finding as its been put down elsewhere.  With my business one I check that quite regularly; when I was at university this past year one of my student jobs in the osteopathy clinic was to do a weekly check of the First Aid kit there.  However, it’s easy to forget the personal use one and often other family members use things in it such as a plaster or an antiseptic wipe without telling me.

It also reminded me that I also need to renew my First Aid certificate soon.

When was the last time you checked your household or car First Aid kit?

About Me

I am a health coach, massage therapist and reflexologist plus mother to one.  I have a love of holistic health approaches and enjoy natural skincare, the natural world and my beautiful feather and fur family  – you can see more about what I do at my websites here: – massage, reflexology and holistic stress management – holistic health and wellness coaching (via Skype)






beauty, essential oils, Health Coach, holistic health, Uncategorized, winter wellness

If in doubt chuck it out!

This is the time of year that I utilise to throw out cosmetics and skincare items that are out of date.

Often we have received gifts at Christmas of cosmetics and skincare so this month of January is a good time to go through and do several tasks to help keep your skin in good shape:

  1.  Drink plenty of water for your skin health.
  2. Clean your makeup applicators and brushes
  3. Go through your cosmetics and skincare.
  4. Throw out anything that is out-of-date on the label or smells wrong or rancid. It’s really important to throw it out rather than continue using it as you could set up a skin reaction.  If like me you can make some of your own skincare then keep and wash out any glass containers or otherwise recycle them and any plastic ones you may have.
  5. Any products with carrier oils such as nut oils or essential oils will eventually go out of date.  Usually citrus based products are 3 months and anything with nut oils you can normally tell is rancid from the smell.  Don’t use these as oxidisation of products can mean they are more likely to cause a skin reaction.
  6. Give anything that is still unopened and in date away that you know you will never use.  Sometimes we know that we won’t use a particular brand, product or scent – not because they are bad but because we know what works for our own body.  Many charities, including women’s refuges, will take these or pass on to a friend.
  7. Anything left that is in date make it a priority to use.  Don’t save it for a special occasion – make more special occasions through your year.  There is no point having an expensive hand soap that you intend to save for guests in the back of cupboard.  Treat yourself and your family and use it.

Also, I recommend that you schedule into your diary for the next 12 months some selfcare time.  That way you will use up any products you do have; a lot of people think “Oh I will keep this for another day”.  It is better though to give yourself a regular time and use all the luscious skincare products you have rather than waste them as they go beyond their use by date.  Schedule in a fortnightly skin scrub in the shower (it only takes an extra 5 minutes to do this).  Give yourself a regular bath soak and treat yourself well.

About Me

Elizabeth Plant is a holistic health & wellness coach, a massage therapist (using clinical techniques) and reflexologist.  She recently studied and completed one year of the MOst degree at the College of Osteopaths. She’s mother to one teen and attachment parented and home educated using Steiner Waldorf  amongst her own eclectic, holistic philosophy.

She has a Neal’s Yard shop here for all your organic skincare needs.