
When is health coaching not for you!

When is health coaching not for you?

Health coaching is a great way to get the support you need to make the changes to meet your health goals.  If you are trying to lose or gain weight, your doctor has said it’s time to stop pre-diabetes from turning into lifestyle related  full-blown diabetes or you have bloating caused by food intolerances, want to reduce cravings or are running on low energy all the time then health coaching can help.  However, it’s important that you want it, know you need it and are willing to be open to make the changes necessary to start living your life to its fullest.

Health coaching is not right for people who:

1. Want a quick fix (like a diet pill),

2. Don’t want to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing and

3. Are not willing to make the changes to how and what you eat and deal with your life overall.

However, it is still worth having an initial consultation, even if you feel that you are so stuck in your ways and thoughts.  And you never know, you may change your mind on the above…

It is for you if you know that it takes time, that you will need to ‘dig deep’ (with support from a health coach) and that you are prepared to go on a journey to good health and wellbeing and enjoy your jadventure as you discover your unique way of being at your best.

(c) 2014 Elizabeth Plant

Elizabeth Plant is a Holistic Health Coach, based in the UK, and has studied a number of complementary therapies  including Reflexology and Anatomy & Physiology.  She has a passion for getting her clients to eat well and with enjoyment and is known for her quirky sense of humour.